A leader in the design and manufacture of Helical Coil Heaters.
Our focus is on delivering a quality product that meets your project-specific requirements and design challenges. We are experts in the production of highly versatile Helical Coil Heaters. Although our heaters are mainly used in the oil and gas and mining industries, these products have applications across multiple industries.
Some of our standard helical heater features include:
- Our Proprietary Helical Coil Design
- Expansion tank(s)
- Pressure piping
- Building
- Low NOx burners
- Best in class controls
- Burner management systems and Instrumentation
Our Heat Medium Package is designed to match the projects requirements. Our heaters have high thermal efficiencies to reduce fuel consumption. The size range of our heaters are 2MBTU to 50MBTU with models built for either general purpose or hazardous environment classifications.
Other design features include:
- Meeting hazardous area classifications
- Double helical coil design for flue gas three-pass along conservatively designed coil surface area
- Base efficiencies can exceed 88% (LHV Basis) depending on process inlet temperatures, and with an optional economizer can exceed 93% (LHV basis)
- Internal Shell insulation to ensure thermal balance
- External aluminum cladding standard with fiberglass insulation (mineral wool insulation also available) on the exterior shell
- Standard Low emissions burners that meet emissions requirements
- Insulated piping throughout the skid
- Quality instrument and tubing
- CRN’s for all pressure components
- Building and Electrical packages

TIW Western Inc. merges with Petro-Tech Heat Technology. As an industry leader in providing top-quality heat transfer products and services, we know a great opportunity whenwe see one.
On January 1, 2022, we happily welcomed Petro-Tech Heat Technology to the TIWW family and will now be known as a TIW Western Brand
The merger of our two companies enhances our ability to design and engineer leading-edge heat transfer solutions and to provide our clients with access to more than 121000sq feet of project space, making us one of the largest fabrication facilities in Western Canada. Now when we say the sky’s the limit, we mean it!