Our team understands the need for your indirect fired heaters to function efficiently and effectively.
Indirect fired heaters are often used to heat liquids or gas in a pipeline or a well-stream. They are typically used in gas transmission lines or gas flow lines found near wellheads upstream of oil and gas production pipelines to keep the temperature of the gas in a flow line above its freezing point. Line heaters are also used to heat oil or water in transmission lines.
Indirect fired heater shells are typically atmospheric and designed for hazardous area classifications. All control system components meet CSA, NFPA and UL recommendations. Process bath heaters have few moving parts, require little maintenance, and can achieve efficiencies of 70% without the use of an economizer.

TIW Western Inc. merges with Petro-Tech Heat Technology. As an industry leader in providing top-quality heat transfer products and services, we know a great opportunity whenwe see one.
On January 1, 2022, we happily welcomed Petro-Tech Heat Technology to the TIWW family and will now be known as a TIW Western Brand
The merger of our two companies enhances our ability to design and engineer leading-edge heat transfer solutions and to provide our clients with access to more than 121000sq feet of project space, making us one of the largest fabrication facilities in Western Canada. Now when we say the sky’s the limit, we mean it!